RICAGV Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, October 21, 2019
CONTACT: Kat Kerwin, Director of Communications
Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence Statement on Tiverton Town Council Recall
Providence, Rhode Island (October 21, 2019)– Voters in Tiverton, Rhode Island voted to recall Councilors Coulter and Katz in the special recall election on Thursday, October 10th. Nearly 1,600 voters voted “yes” to the recall with only 80 votes cast in Coulter and Katz’ favor. Katz blames the defeat on “the ‘statewide machine’ of political action committees, including the teachers’ union, that sent out numerous mailers and others who put “bunches of political talk and lies,” on social media to get people out to vote.”
The Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence (RICAGV) is encouraged by the recall results. Coulter and Katz led the introduction last Spring of a resolution making Tiverton a “second amendment sanctuary” town. With a room packed with out-of-town folks and residents, the resolution was defeated 4-3 , only to be revised and brought back at a later date for passage. The resolution directed law enforcement to enforce gun laws “with discretion”. The councilors also made it known that they were using their elected positions to “send a message to the State House” regarding their views on gun legislation. These resolutions are dangerous because they advance the false narrative that the Second Amendment is at risk, making law-abiding gun owners feel threatened and contributing to the sort of hysteria that leads many to vehemently oppose any measure at all that regulates gun possession, no matter the weapon or the threat to public safety.
“I am satisfied that these councilors were recalled. The introduction and passage of this resolution was the last straw for many who had watched them push their political agenda outside the conventions of town governance. It sowed division in a town already divided.” Said RICAGV supporter and Tiverton resident, Maureen Morrow. “Furthermore, it contained incendiary and false language about “seized weapons” stating the town would not use taxpayer dollars to store weapons. No present or proposed law in Rhode Island calls for seizing weapons.”
RICAGV looks forward to seeing who will go on to replace Coulter and Katz in the General election scheduled next month.

Senate President Dominick Ruggerio, in third bout with cancer, is resolute about his role.
As a proud − and some close to him say “stubborn” − 75-year-old Italian man who has been a part of Rhode Island’s political life for more than four decades, Senate President Dominick Ruggerio was not keen on talking about his health − or the very private conversation he had about it with his No. 2.

RI Senate approves ‘safe-storage’ gun bill. What to know.
The Rhode Island Senate overwhelmingly approved proposed new “safe-storage” requirements for guns on Tuesday night, despite warnings from a handful of Senators that the law will put law-abiding gun owners at risk “when seconds count.”

Safe weapons bill passes through Rhode Island Senate
After advancing out of committee through a partisan vote the week prior, the Democratic-led Rhode Island Senate on Tuesday approved legislation that would require gun owners to safely store their firearms when not in use.