School Safety
Senate Bill 73 – Senate President Ruggerio and Senators Coyne, Goodwin, Gallo, Pearson, Euer
House Bill 5555 – Reps. Kazarian, Diaz, Ajello, Ranglin-Vassell, Fogarty, Caldwell, Blazejewski, McEntee, Carson, and Cortvriend
43 States DO NOT Allow Concealed Carry on K-12 School Grounds
President of the Senate Dominick Ruggerio, Sponsor
“Citizens carrying firearms in schools increases risk, not safety. There have been dozens of examples of mishandling and accidental discharge of firearms in schools across our nation.”
This act would prohibit the possession of firearms on school grounds except for peace officers, retired law enforcement officers, persons under contract to provide school security services, and unloaded firearms in locked containers or a locked rack in a motor vehicle.
RI Public Safety Officials Support the School Safety Act
The Rhode Island State Police and the Rhode Island Police Chiefs’ Association know that ONLY trained police and peace officers should be armed in schools, due to the extreme risks inherent in hostage and high-stress “shoot/don’t shoot” situations.
Police officers receive this training. Peace officers receive this training (and are retested annually to reaffirm their proficiency).
Concealed carry permit holders do not receive specialized training and are not subject to yearly retesting.
Interjecting guns in a school “would be a recipe for a disaster.”
Col. James Manni
• Superintendent, RI State Police
• Director, RI Dept. of Public Safety
“The shooter in the synogauge in Pittsburgh, were eleven people were murdered, was a concealed carry permit holder.”
Adi Goldstein
• Deputy Attorney General, RI
“Keeping guns out of schools makes it safer for everyone in those schools.”
Steven Pare
• Providence Commissioner of Public Safety
• 27-year veteran of the RI State Troopers
“Even police officers, whose job requirements include being a well-trained, accurate shooter, regularly miss and at times misfortunately shoot and injure the wrong person.”
Col. James Mendonca
• Director of Security and Safety, Chief of Campus Police, Rhode Island College
• Executive Board, RI Police Chiefs’ Association
• Former Central Falls Chief of Police
FBI Active Shooter Studies – 2000 to 2019
In 305 incidents, almost none involved an armed citizen engaging with the shooter.
Apprehended by police
Shooter committed suicide
Killed by police
Killed by armed citizen
Source: FBI Active Shooter Resources
1,760 People Killed by CCP Holders
These media reports, tracked from May 2007 to December 2020, include:
mass shootings
police officers
This is undoubtedly a fraction of the total number of gun incidents involving CCP holders, as there are NO federally mandated laws requiring tracking. Source: Concealed Carry Killers.
Accidental Firearm Injuries and Deaths in the U.S. 2001-2019
These figures from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) DO NOT INCLUDE suicides or intentional firearm violence.
Unintentional NON-FATAL Firearm Injuries
Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention, accessed 02/10/2021
Unintentional Firearm DEATHS
Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention, accessed 02/10/2021
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