Wednesday, March 14, 2018
2:00pm to 4:30pm
Rhode Island State House Rotunda
82 Smith Street
Providence, RI 02903
RICAGV Will March and Speak in Support of the Safe Schools Act
Please plan to atten this important event at the RI State House to protect our children and teachers.
Currently anyone with a concealed carry permit can bring their gun onto any school property, including parent-teacher conferences, school events, such as plays or art shows, as well as to sporting events.
The common sense gun safety measures proposed in this bill are based on statistical facts about the danger of allowing any persons other than law enforcement or resource officers (who have received not only proper training in gun safety, but also hostage and high-stress “shoot/don’t shoot” situations.)
Law enforcement and school officials in Rhode Island are overwhelmingly in support of these measures, as well as 83% of Rhode Islander voters.
Accidental shootings among concealed carry permit holders are common; in addition, recent empirical evidence shows that states with lax concealed carry permit holder laws show a 11 to 14% higher violent crime rate.
Please do your part to help pass this common sense gun safety legislation by attending and also sharing on Facebook.