We are very grateful to the key organizations who partnered with us in the Campaign for Gun Violence Prevention, Rhode Island, to ensure that every organization with a stake in this outcome was working from the same playbook. Coalition building is hard work, but real progress is not possible without it. Thank you CGVPRI partners:
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America- RI Chapter
Everytown for Gun Safety
Giffords Law Center
Nonviolence Institute
Guns to Plowshares
Thoughts- Prayers- Actions
One Gun Gone
RI Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Organization for Women, RI Chapter
League of Women Voters of Rhode Island
Planned Parenthood of Southern New England
First Unitarian Church of Providence
College Democrats of Rhode Island
#300 Women
RI American College of Physicians (RI ACP)
Bally Humanufactured
Bishops Against Gun Violence
City Kitty Veterinary Care for Cats
Community Care Alliance
East Bay Citizens for Peace
Members of The Faculty of the School of Social Work at Rhode Island College
NAACP, Providence
National Association of Social Workers- RI Chapter
National Council of Jewish Women- Rhode Island
Newtown Action Alliance
Pawtucket Advocates for Racial and Social Justice
Providence Community Health Centers
RI Council of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
RI Medical Society
RI State Council of Churches
Sakonnet Peace Alliance
States United to Prevent Gun Violence
Stop Handgun Violence
The Esscence T. Christal Memorial Foundation
The Womxn Project
Providence Presbyterian Church
RI Democratic Women’s Caucus
RI Black Business Association
United Way of Rhode Island