FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, September 11, 2020
CONTACT: Linda Finn, Executive Director, (401) 258-6851
Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence Wins Big in Primary elections
Providence, RI — RICAGV endorsed candidates that support gun safety legislation prevailed in 19 races in Tuesday’s primary election. Among all candidates, gun violence was an important campaign issue. Even in races in which our endorsed candidates did not prevail, primary victors including Nathan Biah, David Morales, Tiara Mack, and Melinda Lopez support bills that would ban the sale and use of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and support keeping guns out of our schools. This is not surprising. As we saw in our March 2020 statewide poll, nearly two thirds (64.7%) of Rhode Islanders follow the issues of gun safety and gun violence prevention closely.
As we saw in 2020, gun safety bills have strong support on Smith Hill. Rep. Justine Caldwell’s HB 7264 had 42 co-signers, and Sen. Gayle Goldin’s SB 2130 had 21 co-signers. This represents a majority in favor of banning high-capacity magazines in both chambers. This week’s primary victories by Brandon Potter, Leonela Felix, Brianna Henries, and Michelle McGaw over pro-gun legislators will add even more strong pro-gun safety voices to the General Assembly in 2021.
Momentum has been building statewide and across the country for stronger gun laws that will keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have them, ensure that weapons are stored safely in order to prevent theft and suicides, and to keep highly lethal military-style weapons and ammunition out of civilian hands. We look forward to working with old and new legislators alike in 2021 as we continue our fight to make Rhode Island the safest state in the U.S.
RI House
RI Senate
House District 8
John Lombardi
House District 11
Grace Diaz *
House District 12
Jose Batista
House District 16
Brandon Potter *
House District 18
Joe McNamara *
House District 27
Patricia Serpa
House District 34
Teresa Tanzi
House District 35
Kathy Fogarty *
House District 61
Leonela Felix
House District 64
Brianna Henries
House District 71
Michelle McGaw *
House District 72
Terri Cortvriend *
House District 74
Deb Ruggiero
Senate District 1
Maryellen Goodwin
Senate District 5
Sam Bell
Senate District 9
John Burke
Senate District 15
Meghan Kallman *
Senate District 16
Jonathan Acosta
Senate District 36
Alana DiMario *
* These candidates have a general election opponent