33 Non-Suicide Gun Deaths Statewide From a statistical standpoint, this is not suprising, given the massive surge in Rhode Island FBI NICS firearm background checks that began in March of 2020. RI Gun Violence from 2014-2021 YearNon-Suicide Gun DeathsGun Injuries...
2021 Gun Deaths Continue to Soar 116% increase in non-suicide gun deaths from January through May of this year comes on top of the massive surge in Rhode Island gun violence in 2020. RI Non-Suicide Gun Deaths January-MayNon-Suicide Gun Deaths 202113 20206 20196 20187...
23.3% Increase in 1st Quarter Comparison Rhode Island’s surge in NICS firearm backgrounds continues – comparison of the first quarter (January to March) of 2021 to all previous years shows the highest levels since the FBI began publishing this data back in...