Court strikes down challenge to RI’s concealed carry permit laws By: Jack Perry The Providence Journal. Published June 27th, 2023 AG Neronha says his office successfully defended constitutional challenge to RI concealed-carry permit laws. A constitutional...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, June 23, 2022CONTACT: Pete Bilderback, RICAGV Vice Chair, Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence Reacts to Extremist Supreme Court Decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen Today’s...
Standing Up to the Bullies at the State House What an amazing show of courage and patience that our speakers and supporters displayed at the Safe Schools Act Rally last Tuesday, June 11, 2019! We would like to send a giant thank you to featured speakers who had to...
Second Amendment Does Not Establish Unrestricted Access to Firearms The U.S. Supreme Court’s 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller decision, authored by conservative justice Antonin Scalia, makes it clear, in no uncertain terms: “the right was not a right to keep and...
Catherine Sawoski, Tiverton ResidentPresident, High School Democrats, RIEvery day at my school, my friends and I eat lunch in the lockers — away from the main cafeteria area, a collection of groups find quieter, more secluded spots around campus to reset before...
RICAGV Press Release ← One Gun Gone at RISD - April 20 - Gun Violence Prevention in Action Linda Finn, RICAGV Executive Director, Featured on In the Area with Joe Paolino FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, April 22, 2019 CONTACT: Kat Kerwin, Director of...
Demand a Vote for The Safe Schools Act! CCP Mishaps in Schools Occur with Alarming Frequency These are just SOME of the incidents that have been reported in the media. Click the date to see the media report for any of these incidents. February 2019, Bus Driver Shot...
← Linda Finn on Concealed Carry Permit Holders “The Town of Portsmouth respectfully requests the Rhode Island General Assembly to support H-5762, H-5741 and H-5739.”Reported in the Newport Daily News on Wednesday, March 27, 2019, Portsmouth leaders...