Finn Debunks “Good Guy with a Gun” Myth RICAGV Executive Director Linda Finn testified to the House Judiciary Committee about the 1,200+ media reports of concealed carry permit (CCP) holders who have committed crimes, including murder and mass shootings,...
Overwhelming Support from Law Enforcement and Public Safety Officials The experts weighed in on The Safe Schools Act of 2019 at the State House on March 19th. Col. James Manni, Superintendent of the RI State Police, along with other R.I. law enforcement and public...
On Tuesday, February 5, 2019, a concealed carry permit holder shot a 78-year old bus driver with an 8-year old student on the bus. The incident happened on a snowy highway in Minneapolis. The gunfire grazed the bus driver’s head and struck his left arm. The...
A couple watching their son play in a basketball tournament for elementary schoolers found a loaded handgun wrapped in a handkerchief in the bleachers.The owner, a grandfather with a concealed carry permit, returned to the school when he realized he had left his gun...
A district employee at Mustang High School in Oklahoma forgot to remove his loaded gun from his bag before coming into school. The bag was found by staff and the school was put on lockdown. Read full story … Email RI Lawmakers NOW to Keep Guns Out of K-12...
While demonstrating how to do a backflip to third graders in the school yard, a CCP holding substitute teacher’s handgun, loaded with 19 rounds of ammunition, dropped from his waistband; no injuries were reported. Read more …
A security guard at Somerset Academy Bay School, a charter school in Kendall, FL, left a loaded weapon in the bathroom. The gun was found by a student, who told his teacher; no injuries were reported. Read the full story …
RICAGV Press Release Youth Power Rally Empowers Student Activists to Organize and Vote FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, August 14, 2018 CONTACT: Kat Kerwin, Director of Communications Providence, Rhode Island August 14, 2018 Youth activists representing Young Voices,...
← RICAGV Statement on HB 8119 - Legalizing Civilian Ownership of Stun Guns (Tazers) Statement on the End of the 2018 Legislative Session → Thanks so much to the 20 RICAGV supporters who hit the House chamber for one more lobbying session last night. It was a...