Common Sense Reforms
Following a discussion group with RI Police Chiefs, and surrounded by advocates for sensible gun safety legislation, Governor Raimondo held a press conference to announce her support for four new bills.

Attorney General Peter Neronha joined with the governor in support of these bills:
- Straw Purchasers: Makes it a crime to purchase a firearm on behalf of another person who the purchaser knows or suspects would be prohibited from purchasing or possessing a gun themselves.
- Safe Schools: Prevents people with concealed carry permits from carrying weapons on school grounds. This legislation includes exceptions for active and retired law enforcement.
- Safe Storage: Requires that all firearms be stored safely (i.e., locked and unloaded) unless under the direct control of the firearm owner or another authorized user.
- Rifles and Shotguns on Public Roads: Prohibits loaded rifles and shotguns from being carried on public rights of way in Rhode Island, either within or outside a vehicle. This legislation includes exemptions for law enforcement and hunters engaged in lawful hunting activity.
Additional Bills Supported by the Governor
The first bill on this list, banning 3D/Ghost Guns, has made it through both chambers and is awaiting minor language updates in the Senate.
- 3D/Ghost Gun Ban, H7102/S2004: Bans the manufacturing, importation, sale, shipment, delivery, possession or transfer of undetectable firearms.
- Background Check Loophole Closure, H7103/S2154/S2261: Provides that applications to purchase firearms be sent by the seller to the police department in the city or town where the purchaser lives.
- Assault Weapons Ban, H7263/S2131: Bans all semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and pistols that can hold a detachable magazine or more than a certain number of rounds without a magazine; and contains at least one of the other features associated with assault weapons specified in the law.
- High-Capacity Magazine Ban, H7264/S2130: Limits all firearm magazines to 10 rounds. People in possession of these magazines would have 180 days to sell, modify, or dispose of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. The bill contains limited exceptions for law enforcement and active duty military.