RICAGV Press Release
CONTACT: Erich Haslehurst, (401) 451-1935, erich.haslehurst@gmail.com
Twitter: @CGVPRI
Facebook: @CGVPRI
Senate Judiciary Committee Votes 6-0 in Support of 3D-Printed and Ghost Gun Ban
Providence, RI — The Campaign for Gun Violence Prevention Rhode Island thanks Senate Juciary Chairwoman Erin Lynch Prata, bill sponsor Cynthia Coyne, and the entire Judiciary Committee, for standing on the side of gun safety tonight and voting to bring S2004A, banning 3D-printed and ghost guns, to the Senate floor for a vote by the full chamber. Dozens of advocates and proponents of gun safety legislation, including General Treasurer Seth Magaziner and Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea testified in support of the legislation.
Rhode Island voters overwhelmingly support common-sense policies to prevent gun violence and banning 3D-printed guns and untraceable ghost guns is an important step toward making Rhode Island a leader for gun safety across the country.
The House of Representatives Judiciary Committee will hear their version of this bill, sponsored by Representative Patricia Serpa, tomorrow evening. It is our hope that they too will pass this bill out of committee to be voted on by the full House of Representatives.
CGVPRI looks forward to working with the Senate and the House this legislative session, and is committed to supporting common sense gun safety bills on their path to Governor Raimondo’s desk to be signed into law.
The Campaign for Gun Violence Prevention Rhode Island (CGVPRI) is a coalition of organizations, working together to share resources, build strategies and coordinate efforts to prevent gun violence. CGVPRI supports policies that will make Rhode Island a safe place for everyone to live.
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, RI Chapter ⋄ Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence ⋄ Nonviolence Institute ⋄ Guns to Plowshares⋄ Thoughts, Prayers, Actions⋄ One Gun Gone⋄ National Organization for Women, RI Chapter ⋄ League of Women Voters of Rhode Island ⋄ Planned Parenthood of Southern New England