Jim Langevin

RICAGV Endorses Congressman Jim Langevin Re-elect Congressman Jim Langevin to the U.S. House of Representatives. Learn more about Congressman...

David Cicilline

RICAGV Endorses Congressman David Cicilline  Re-elect Congressman David Cicilline to the U.S. House of Representatives.  Learn more about Congressman...

Congressman Jim Langevin for U.S. House of Representatives

RICAGV Endorses Congressman Jim Langevin for U.S. House of Representatives Since 2001 Congressman Langevin has been fully supportive of common-sense gun safety legislation while representing Rhode Islanders in Washington, D.C. In 2016, after learning from the Brady...

Congressman David Cicilline for U.S. House of Representatives

RICAGV Endorses Congressman David Cicilline for U.S. House of Representatives Congressman Cicilline has been a tireless champion of for common-sense gun legislation and policies that are backed by research and expert recommendations: Author of the Assault Weapons Ban...